Novel Materials for
Hip Implants
Atom Probe
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Welcome to the Grandfield Research Group at McMaster University, Canada. Our team focuses on the development and characterization of biomaterials– pioneering the investigation of bone-implant interfaces and mineralized tissues with multiscale, multidimensional and correlative microscopies. The insights made through this work are contributing to the design of novel materials for improved implant success, and an improved understanding of healthy and pathological mineralized tissues, such as bones and teeth.
Select Recent Publications
Acta Biomaterialia, (2022) 142, 1-13.
Micheletti, C., Hurley, A., Gourrier, A., Palmquist, A., Tang, T., Shah, F.A., Grandfield, K.
Acta Biomaterialia, (2022) 148, 44-60.
Atom probe tomography for biomaterials and biomineralization.
Grandfield, K., Micheletti, C., Deering, J., Arcuri, G., Tang, T., Langelier, B.
Journal of Visualized Experiments: Jove, (2022) 185.
Advancing High-Resolution Imaging of Virus Assemblies in Liquid and Ice.
DiCecco, L.A., Berry, S., Jonaid, G.M., Solares, M.J., Kaylor, L., Gray, J.L., Bator, C.
Recipient of Petro-Canada Young Innovator Award (2017)
Ministry of Research, Innovation and Science Early Researcher Award (2018)
McMaster Faculty of Engineering Teaching Excellence Award (2019)
Microscopy of Biomaterials and Biointerfaes Canada Research Chair Tier II (2021)
McMaster President's Choice Award for Graduate Supervision (2022)
Developing Novel Materials for Hip Implants
Atom probe tomography
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